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Post to Discord Channel from Google Sheets with Document Studio

Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, or just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat. Document Studio enables you to send messages to your Discord channel for new rows in Google Sheets.

Create a Discord server

Sign-in to your Discord account and click on the plus sign icon in the sidebar to add a new Discord server where you want to send messages to. You can either choose from ready made server templates or create your own from scratch. Give your new Discord server a name and click on the Create button to launch your server.

New Discord Server

Add a Text Channel

Your Discord Server, by default contains a default channel called general. You can add a new channel by clicking on the + icon in the sidebar. For this example, we'll add a new channel titled #google-sheets where the messages will be posted.

Google Sheets Discord Channel

Create a Webhook

Webhooks in Discord make it easy for apps to post automated messages and data updates to a specific text channel in your server.

In the left sidebar where all channels of the server are listed, click on the settings icon. On the next screen that appears, go to Integrations and under the Webhooks section, click the Create Webhook button.

You can give your webhook a name of your choice or go by the default name. Next, choose the particular channel of your server you want to add the webhook to. Click on the Copy webhook URL button to copy the webhook link to your clipboard.

Discord webhook

Connect Discord to Document Studio

Install the Document Studio add-on and open your Google Sheet to launch the add-on. You may either open an existing Google Sheet or create a new sheet and add data in one or more rows of the sheet.

Inside the Document Studio app, provide a descriptive name for your workflow and choose the specific worksheet in your Google Spreadsheet that contains the merge data. Click on Continue to move to the conditions page.

Google Sheets Workflow

On the Conditions pane, specify if you want your workflow to run only if the rows in the Google Specific sheet satisfy certain conditions. By default, the workflow will run for all rows in the sheet that contain data.

Next, choose Discord from the list of available tasks.

Make a dynamic message template

Paste the copied Discord webhook URL in the text input box and type your personalized message body.

You can use dynamic fields, enclosed in double curly braces, in the message body. Suppose the names listed in your Google Sheet are the members of the Discord server you'll be sending the messages to. Using dynamic fields, the messages will be personalized for each member on the server, using a single message template. The fields will be replaced by actual cell values when the workflow runs for each row.

Discord Task Configuration

Test and Preview Discord Connection

Click the Preview button and you should see the message posted to your Discord channel. Document Studio will take the data from the second row of the selected Google Sheet and publish the message to your selected Discord channel.

If the connection is working, click the Done button to locally apply your changes. Click on Continue.

Activate the Discord workflow

If you want the workflow to be automatically triggered every hour, so that any new rows added in that duration are processed automatically, you can choose the option Run workflow every hour and then click on the Save button. Else, just click on Save to save your workflow and you'll able to manually run the workflow anytime later.

The workflow will now appear in the workflow dashboard where you can edit, delete or manually run the workflow.

Discord to Google Sheets