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What is Mail Merge for Gmail

The Mail Merge app for Gmail helps you quickly and easily send personalized emails to your contacts whose names, email addresses and other data are stored in a Google Sheet.

Mail Merge takes data of your contacts from a Google Sheet (the data source) and combine it with an email template to create personalized email messages. The email template contains the text that doesn't change and also has the merge fields (placeholders or variables) that lets you insert personalized information from the sheet into the message.

The Importance of Mail Merge

Mail Merge saves you time because it lets you create multiple emails at once thus saving you the effort of manually retyping the same email, with minor modifications, over and over.

Also, unlike broadcasting email messages to a mailing list or hiding email recipients in the BCC (blind carbon copy) field, Mail Merge sends each email message as a separate email and the content is customized for your recipients.

Mail Merge sends the emails through your Gmail or Google Workspace account and thus the email deliverability and open rates are very high.

Mail Merge in Gmail

Mail Merge is a built-in feature of Microsoft Word and office workers have long used the merge capabilities to send personalized emails to multiple recipients via Microsoft Outlook and Excel.

Gmail is not capable of performing mail merge on its own. You can however easily run merge inside Gmail with the help of Mail Merge with Attachments add-on for Google Sheets.