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Send SMS Message from Google Form Responses with Document Studio

You can send personalized SMS text messages to the phone numbers of respondents when they submit your Google Form. You an also notify your team members through SMS when a new form submission is received.

Configure Twilio for Google Forms

Twilio Phone Number

Sign-in to your Twilio account and buy a new phone number from the console. Twilio will send your text messages from this number.

Next, inside the project console, copy the Account SID and Auth Token of your Twilio project as we'll need these in a later step.

Twilio Account SID and Token

Connect Twilio SMS with Google Forms

Install the Document Studio add-on and launch the add-on inside your Google Form. Give your workflow a descriptive name, and click on Continue to move to the conditions page.

If you want your Google Forms to SMS workflow to run only for specific form responses, like when the country selected is USA, you can add them in the Conditions screen. Next, choose Send SMS from the list of available tasks.

Send SMS from Google Forms

Create an SMS Template

In the SMS window, choose Twilio from the list of available SMS services. Provide your Twilio Account SID, the Auth Token and, for the sender's phone number, enter the phone number that you bought through Twilio.

For the Recipient's Phone Number field, provide the question title of the Google Form that asks for the respondent's phone number. You can also enter the actual phone number in this field instead of dynamic values. The phone numbers should have the country code, area code and the subscriber number prepended with the + symbol.

SMS Message Template

Enter the text of the message in the SMS Message Body field. You can personalize the SMS text message with {{placeholders}} that will be replaced with the actual answers submitted in the Google Form. You may also use Scriptlets to insert conditional text in the message.

Hello {{Name}}, our team will be in {{Location}} later this month.
Let me know if you would like to setup a meeting.

{% if {{Location}} == "Mumbai" %}
We are also visiting Delhi and Bangalore, if that works for you!
{% endif %}

Send an SMS Message

Now that your message template is ready, click the Preview button to send a sample SMS text message to the phone number listed in the second row of the response Google Sheet. You can go to Twilio Monitor > Logs > Messaging to see the actual SMS message sent and the delivery status of the message.

Click Done to locally apply your changes.

Activate workflow

On the next screen, turn on the Run on Form Submit option and the workflow will run whenever a new Google Form submission is received.

Click the Save button and the workflow will now appear in the workflow dashboard where you can edit, delete or manually run the workflow.


If you would like to send multiple SMS messages from one Google Form submission, you can create a new workflow with SMS task for each phone number.