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Send Documents for Digital Signatures with Adobe Sign and Google Forms

With Adobe Sign and Document Studio, you can securely send documents for electronic signatures when someone fills out a Google Form. The digital signatures are legally valid, secure, and verifiable.

For this example, we have a Google Form where the student fill the coaching registration form containing their own name, parent's name and their email address. Once the form is submitted, we will then send the registration agreement with a signature field to the student's parent and their teacher for signing using Adobe Sign.

Google Form - Student Coaching Registration

Create Template in Adobe Sign

Sign-in to your Adobe Sign account and click the Create a Reusable Template button to add a new library template.

Give your template a name and upload the agreement document in Word or PDF format. Click the Preview & Add Fields button and add the fields you want to use for the signature request.

For instance, in our our template, we added two signature fields that will be signed by the student's parent and teacher. The Response ID field in the document will be auto-filled by the application and it will contain the unique ID of the Google Form submission.

Adobe Sign Template

Connect Adobe Sign with Google Forms

Install the Document Studio add-on and launch the add-on inside your Google Form. Give your workflow a descriptive name, and click on Continue to move to the conditions page.

If you want the workflow to run only for specific form responses, like when the student has selected Yes for the I agree field, add them in the Conditions screen. Click Continue to move to the list of tasks in Document Studio.

Conditions in Adobe Digital Signatures

Configure Adobe Sign Service

Choose Signatures in the list of task and then select Adobe Sign from the list of available signature service providers.

Click the Link Adobe Sign account button to authorize Document Studio to send signature requests on your behalf. Once the authorization is complete, you'll see a list of your Adobe Sign templates in Google Forms. Select the template you want to use for this student registration workflow.

Document Studio will now fetch the signature template and create a list of fields that you can pre-fill using data from Google Forms. You can use variable form fields - like {{ Student's Name }} for the student's name text field - and these will be replaced with the actual values from the Google Form response when the document is sent.

Adobe Sign Template

Email Address of Recipients

You can multiple email addresses in the Email Addresses of Participants field, separated with a comma. Use the variable field {{ Parent's Email }} to specify the email address of the parent.

You can control the signing order by checking the option that says Participants should complete the agreement in order and the recipients will have to complete the agreement in the order specified in the Email Addresses of Participants field.

Preview and Activate workflow

Click the Preview button and you should see an actual signature request sent from the linked Adobe Sign account to the respondents of the first response in Google Forms. Click Done to locally apply your changes.

On the next screen, turn on the Run on Form Submit option and the workflow will run whenever a new Google Form submission is received.

Click the Save button and the workflow will now appear in the workflow dashboard where you can edit, delete or manually run the workflow.