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Date and Time Markers for Dynamic Fields

Document Studio supports unique markers for date and time fields. These markers are enclosed in double curly braces and contain the date and time when a document or an email is generated.

You may use the date and time markers for dynamic folder names or for adding the current date in documents and emails.

For instance, if you are generating certificates for a training program or creating folders in bulk from Google Sheets, you can specify {{ Year }} in the folder path, and the files will automatically get saved in a folder for the current year.

Built-in Markers for Date and Time

{{ Date }}Date in MM-DD-YY format. E.g., 11-30-2024
{{ Date UK }}Date in DD/MM/YY format. E.g., 30/11/2024
{{ Time }}Current time in h:mm a format. E.g., 10:38 pm
{{ Long Date }}Full date. E.g., Fri, Dec 2, 2022
{{ Day }}Current day. E.g., 02 for 2nd of the month
{{ Day Name }}Short name of the current day. E.g., Fri for Friday
{{ Day Name Full }}Full name of the current day. E.g., Thursday
{{ Month }}Short name for current month. E.g., Nov for November
{{ Month Number }}Month in number format. E.g., 12 for December
{{ Month Name }}Full name of the current month E.g., December
{{ Year }}Current year. E.g., 2022
{{ Year Short }}Current year in short format. E.g., 22 for 2022
{{ Hour }}Current hour in 12-hour format. E.g., 10 for 10 AM
{{ Hour 24 }}Current hour in 24-hour format. E.g., 22 for 10 PM
{{ Minute }}Current minute. E.g., 38 for 10:38 PM
{{ Second }}Current second. E.g., 22 for 10:38:22 PM
{{ Meridiem }}AM or PM. E.g., PM for 10:38 PM
{{ UniqueId }}A long unique ID (UUID) that is generated for every row or form response.

All dates are calculated based on the timezone of the user who is managing the workflow. The app will automatically detect the timezone of the user's browser and use it to calculate the values of date and time markers.