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How to Import Stripe Customers to Google Sheets

If you are using Stripe to accept payments from your customers, you can import your Stripe customers to Google Sheets and send them personalized emails with the Mail Merge app for Gmail.

Create Stripe API Key

Go to your Stripe Dashboard and click on the Create Restricted Key button. Choose the Build your own integration option when asked for the purpose of the key and click on the Continue button.

Provide a name for your API key, and turn on the Read permissions for the Customers resource. Click on the Create Key button to generate the key. Stripe will display the key only once, so make sure to save it in a secure location.

Stripe API Key

Import Stripe Customers to Google Sheet

Switch to your Google sheet and choose Import Contacts from the Extensions -> Mail Merge with Attachments menu as shown in the screenshot.

Import Contacts in Mail Merge

Choose Stripe from the list of services. Enter the API Key that you got from the previous step. Also provide the Start Date and End Date to import customers for a specific period. Click the Get Fields button to get the list of Stripe customer fields that you can import to your Google Sheet.

Select one or more fields that you want to import to your Google Sheet. You can either import the contacts in a new sheet or append them to the existing sheet.

Click the Import Data button to import all Stripe customers created in the selected period to your Google Sheet.

Stripe Customers in Google Sheet