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How to Import Mailchimp Subscribers in Google Sheet

If you have been using Mailchimp to send emails to your subscribers, you can import the same audience list of subscribers into Google Sheets for use in your mail merge.

Import Mailchimp Subscribers in Google Sheets

Go to your Google sheet and choose Import Contacts from the Extensions -> Mail Merge with Attachments menu as shown in the screenshot.

Import Contacts in Mail Merge

Choose Mailchimp from the list of contact services. Click the Connect button to authorize the connection so that Google Sheets can read and download your list of email subscribers from Mailchimp.

Mailchimp to Google Sheets

Once you have granted the necessary permissions, you'll be able to see the list of Mailchimp audiences that you have created.

Select the Mailchimp list that you want to import and you'll then be able to choose the contact fields that you want to import into Google Sheets.

Import Mailchimp Contacts in Mail Merge

Select the fields that you want to import and click the Fetch button to bring all the subscribers into Google Sheets.


If you are using Constant Contact, Active Campaign, Convertkit or another email marketing tool, you can also import email subscribers from those services into the Mail Merge sheet using the CSV import option.

Revoke Mailchimp Access

The Mail Merge app will not store your credentials and will never use them to access your Mailchimp account. However, you can also manually revoke the access to Mailchimp by going to your Mailchimp account and removing the app from the list of authorized apps as outlined in the Mailchimp documentation.