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How to Import PayPal Customers to Google Sheets

PayPal is a popular payment gateway that allows you to accept payments from customers. You can easily import your PayPal customers to Google Sheets and send them personalized emails with the Mail Merge app for Gmail.

PayPal has no separate API to import customers. You can import your PayPal transactions to Google Sheets and select customer fields like name, email, phone, address, etc. from the transaction data.

Create PayPal App

Assuming that you already have a PayPal account, you can create an app to access your PayPal transactions.

Go to the PayPal Developer page and click on the Create App button. Provide a name for your app, and click on the Create App button.

Create PayPal App

Under the App Features, deselect all the features except Transaction Search. Click on the Save Changes button to save the changes.

Scroll up to the App Credentials section and click on the Show button to reveal the Client ID and Client Secret. We'll use these credentials to connect to your PayPal account from Google Sheets. Once the PayPal transactions are imported to Google Sheets, you can disable the Secret Key to disconnect Google Sheets from your PayPal account.

PayPal App Credentials

Import PayPal Transactions to Google Sheet

Switch to your Google sheet and choose Import Contacts from the Extensions -> Mail Merge with Attachments menu as shown in the screenshot.

Import Contacts in Mail Merge

Choose PayPal from the list of services. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret that you got from the previous step. Also provide the Start Date and End Date to import the transactions for a specific period. Click the Get Fields button to get the list of PayPal transaction fields that you can import to your Google Sheet.

From the list of fields, select the fields that you want to import to your Google Sheet. You can either import the contacts in a new sheet or append them to the existing sheet. The first row of the imported data will be used as the header row containing the field names.

Click the Import Data button to import the transactions to your Google Sheet.

PayPal Transactions in Google Sheet

This tutorial describes how we use the PayPal API with Google Apps Script to import customers into Google Sheets.