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How to Use Dynamic Form Fields in Email Notifications

The Google Forms add-on supports dynamic form fields in the email subject and message body. These fields are always enclosed in double curly braces - like {{Your first name}} - and are automatically replaced with the actual answers that the user submits in the form.

To give you an example, if your Google Form has a question titled "What is your name" you can make that a dynamic field by enclosing the question title inside double curly braces as shown below:

{{What is your name}}

These dynamic fields can be placed anywhere in the subject or message body of the email template. The add-on, when sending the email, will replace all such fields using corresponding answers from the form response.

Available Dynamic Fields​

If you enclose a question title from the form inside double curly braces, it becomes a dynamic field. In addition to the question titles of your Google Form, the following variable fields are also available for your email templates.

Variable Field TitleDescription
{{ All Answers}}Include all non-blank answers in the email, formatted as a table.
{{ Full Response}}Include all answers in the email, formatted as a table.
{{ Response Date}}The date and time of when the form was submitted
{{ Response Id}}A unique id of the form entry
{{ Response Number}}Inserts the sequential number of the form response
{{ Response Url}}Secret link to edit the current form submission
{{ Form Url}}The URL of the current Google Form for submitting new responses
{{ Form Name}}The title of the current Google Form
{{ Form Id}}The unique ID of the current Google Form provided by Google Drive

Sample Email Template​

Here's a sample email template that includes dynamic form fields.

Subject Line​

Response #{{Response Number}} received for {{Google Form}}

Message Body​

The Google Form {{Form Name}} has a new entry submitted by {{Name}}.

Here's copy of all answers submitted by the form respondent.

{{All Answers}}

Click the link to edit the original form response {{Response Url}}

And here's a screenshot of an email message rendered from the above template.

Google Forms Email