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Find Emails in Gmail with Advanced Search Options

The Email Addresses Extractor add-on supports all the Gmail advanced options that assist you in fine-tuning your email search and refining your results. You can click the plus icon in the advanced search box to view a sample of search options that you can use for improved search results.

Advanced Search Options

The advanced search query syntax is operator:search_keyword. For instance, you could say to find all emails where the sender is PayPal. Use the logical boolean search operators to specify multiple search operators (e.g., from:paypal OR subject:invoice).

Search CriteriaGmail Search Query
Emails that are either starred or unreadis:starred OR is:unread
Emails with specific recipients in the To or Cc fieldsto:amit OR cc:angus
Emails received during a specific time periodafter:2024/03/01
Search for messages older or newer than a time periodolder_than:7d (for 7 days)
newer_than:3m (for 3 months)
older_than: 2y (for 2 years)
Search Gmail by sizelarger:10M (for emails larger than 10 MB)
smaller:1M (for emails small than 1 MB)
size:1000 (specify the size in bytes)
Email messages that are in a particular email folder (or label).in:label_name
(for example, label:personal-emails)
Find emails anywhere in Gmail (including Spam and Trash)in:anywhere
Find emails that have no labels appliedhas:nouserlabels
Find emails that have particular words in the subject linesubject:invoice
subject:(invoice OR receipt)
subject:"payment received"
Find messages that contain particular wordsdinner OR movie (either words)
dinner AND movie (contain both words)
(dinner movie) (contain both words)
"dinner movie" (exact phrase)
Find emails that have an attachmentshas:attachments
filename:pdf (search by type)
filename:emails.csv (search by file name)
Search for messages delivered to a particular email
Emails where my email is either in CC or BCCcc:me OR bcc:me
Emails that do not contain a specific word-cats
Find emails messages in trash or spamlabel:spam OR label:trash
Find emails that contain links to Google Drive or Google Slides or YouTubehas:youtube OR has:drive OR has:presentation

Gmail Search - Things to Know

  1. Search for an exact phrase by enclosing the phrase inside double quotes. Capitalization is ignored.
  2. You can use logical operators like AND, NOT or OR to refine your search and they must always be typed in uppercase letters.
  3. Search for email messages by date using the before: and after: search operators. The date format is yyyy/mm/dd (e.g., 2024/07/15)
  4. You cannot use the bcc: operator to find emails in which you were blind carbon copied.
  5. If the label name in Gmail includes a space (e.g., Office Expenses), use a dash in the query when searching for emails inside that label (e.g. label:office-expenses)