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Filters for HTML Operations with Scriptlets

Scriptlets make it easy to output HTML-safe content for rich emails. For instance, it can convert newlines to <br> tags, or escape HTML characters like &amp;.


Escape a string

{? "Ben & Jerry" | escape ?}
// Output: Ben &amp; Jerry
{? "Ben & Jerry > Peter" | escape ?}
// Output: Ben &amp; Jerry &gt; Peter
{? "Ben &amp; Jerry" | escape ?}
// Output: Ben &amp;amp; Jerry


Escape a string but ignore all escaped HTML entities

{? "Ben &amp; Jerry > Peter" | escape_once ?}
// Output: Ben &amp; Jerry &gt; Peter


Converts any URL-unsafe characters in a string into percent-encoded characters.

{? "Email us at" | url_encode ?}
// Output:


Decodes a string that is encoded as a URL

{? "" | url_decode ?}
// Output: "Sent from"


Convert any newline characters in the input text to HTML <BR> line break tags

{? "Apple, Orange, Mango" | split: ", " | join: "\n" | newline_to_br ?}
// Output: Apple<br />\nOrange<br />\nMango

HTML Table

The next example shows how to create an HTML table using the first two elements of the input array.

{% assign fruitArray = "Apple, Orange, Mango" | split: ", " %}
{% tablerow fruit in fruitArray cols:1 limit:2 %}
{? fruit ?}
{% endtablerow %}

The output table does not contain "Mango".